
How to add activities to scenes

 In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to add people performing activities to your scenes and adjust the contents of your next computer vision dataset.

Step 1: scene contents

Select the “Activities” tab located in “Scene contents”, and click on the “Add Object” button.

Step 2: Activities Catalog

  • Explore the catalog and select the activity class you want.
  • You can also use the search bar to find a specific type of activity.

Step 3: Adjust Parameters

  • To customize the activity collection, click on the collection and open the modal.
  • From there, you can adjust various parameters such as actor gender, body type, ethnicity, and facial expressions/emotions.

Step 4: Activity locations

Select one or more locations where the activity can take place. Locations compatible with the current activity class and environment are displayed.

Step 5: Preview

  • To see your scene in action, click the refresh button in the preview window.
  • This will generate a scene on the fly and show you an image captured from the scene.

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